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A Call for Prayer in Alabama

In Alabama, our state legislature is considering the “Right to Contraception Act”, which would protect families’ right to access basic contraception. 


Sadly, political grandstanding may keep it from passing, despite overwhelming bipartisan support from faith leaders and families across our state. Contraception is essential for building stable homes and growing healthy families. We can’t let husbands and wives lose access to this important resource. 

Join other Christians committing to pray that our leaders’ hearts would be softened, that they put solutions over partisan posturing, and work together to protect our families and freedoms! 

Our Prayer

As Christians, we pray that our state leaders will do the right thing and protect the Right to Contraception in Alabama. 


Basic birth control like condoms and the pill is the best way to ensure that families can prayerfully decide when they are ready to have children and raise them in stable, healthy homes. 


Believers all across the state agree — Alabama's leaders have a duty to work together and pass protections for contraception. Anything less—including the refusal to bring the bill to a vote or a veto by the governor—is an attack on our right to basic birth control. 

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