Family matters.
Common sense programs help Michigan families thrive.
No Child Hungry
In Michigan, 1-in-7 children face hunger each day. Most of their families keep them fed through the SNAP program (food stamps). However, almost 90% of current SNAP recipients report running out of benefits by the end of the month.
The pandemic and inflation put a strain on families' ability to feed their children. In October, SNAP benefits that nearly 300,000 Michigan children depend will increase 27%, up to $157 per person.
“The additional $539 million in yearly SNAP benefits coming to Michigan will uplift hundreds of thousands of families, communities, and small businesses as we continue our economic jumpstart,” said Gov. Whitmer.
Helping Working Parents
To make sure working parents don’t have to drop out of the workforce to take care of their children, Gov. Whtimer worked with the bipartisan state legislature to sign into law an expansion of access to free or low-cost child care for 150,000 more Michigan kids and their families over the past year. Families with two kids earning up to $55,500 may qualify for help paying for child care.
Now, an estimated 40% of Michigan’s working families with kids under age 12 are eligible for free or low-cost child care, and the rate of mothers reentering the workforce is expected to increase dramatically.
“Michigan needs talent, and talent needs child care. Working parents can’t be effective in the workplace if they’re concerned about their children. That’s why I’m proud of the bipartisan action the Governor and Legislature has taken to make child care more affordable and accessible,” said Kelli Saunders, Executive Advisor at the Small Business Association of Michigan.
Empowering Parents & Teachers in Classrooms
Michigan’s common core standards require classrooms to investigate historic events. Within those parameters, teachers have always been encouraged to design curriculum that best engages their students and teaches them important life lessons.
Unfortunately, rather than reflect and listen, the powers of the world have turned CRT into a fight over labels and an opportunity to scare up small dollar donations. Michigan is among 42 states that have introduced bills to restrict discussions of racism in the classroom.
In Michigan, Gov. Whitmer is the only thing stopping those bills from becoming law and taking away teachers and parents’ discretion in classrooms.