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A Call for Prayer in Nevada

In Nevada, our state legislature just passed the “Right to Contraception” bill with an overwhelming bipartisan supermajority. The simple bill focused on what we all agree on, instead of what divides us. And it protected a right that Nevada families depend on. 


Sadly, Gov. Lombardo’s veto of this bill reflects what is broken in our politics. He did not even meet with or explain his decision to the Republican Senate leaders who cosponsored the bill.  

Add your name to the list of Christians commiting to pray that our political leaders’ hearts would be softened, that they put solutions over partisan posturing, and work together to protect our families and freedoms. 

Our Prayer

We pray that our leaders will receive the courage to put aside political posturing and division, that they would come together to find real solutions to help every child and family flourish. We pray that families are empowered with access to the resources they need to build a stable and loving home. We celebrate the blessing that is having children—and we pray that every family in Nevada has the chance to decide when they are ready, emotionally and financially, to enter that chapter of their lives. 


We pray for Governor Lombardo in particular, that he may seek understanding instead of division, and find it in his heart to work with elected Republican and Democratic leadership in Nevada seeking a solution for this bill.

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Add Your Name  to the Prayer

Thank you for joining us in this prayer.

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